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How to do a Burpee? and its benefits


A Burpee is one of the most impressive functional and HIIT exercises, which is also a strength and conditioning full body workout. It is a bodyweight exercise that can be performed without using any apparatus. It is also identified as squat thrust and jump.


  1. Burpee is a HIIT (High intensity interval training) and a form of cardio exercise.
  2. A great privilege, provided by Burpee is burning more calories. For instance, you may burn 10 to 15 calories in just 20 Burpees.
  3. As this workout doesn’t require any exercise device, therefore you can easily practice anywhere you prefer even during an excursion too.
  4. It aids to enhance your strength and endurance, agility, balance and coordination.
  5. It is very effectual to melt fat and lose weight.
  6. By performing Burpee you receive a healthy blood flow and diminish the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  7. It helps to decrease your blood pressure and improves cholesterol level.
  8. It offers you brilliant brain function too.

The muscles that work with Burpee,

You may engage in all your muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf, core, arm muscles, chest and shoulder muscles as well.

How to do Burpee?

There are different methods which you may experience of performing this exercise.

Standard Burpee:

Learning some steps and skills may guide you to perform this exercise.

Step1: Stand with feet hip width stance, go to the squat position with bending knee and back straight. 

Step2: Place your both the hands on the floor.

Step3:  Kick your both the legs back and go to the pushup position,on your hands and toes.The hands should be straight to your shoulder and feet hip width apart.

Step4: Then jump back like a frog to go to the starting squat position.

Step5: Jump up in the air and land slowly to the squat position with bending knee. Start the other reps.

Chest to floor Burpee:

  Step1: Stand with feet hip width stance, go to  squat position with bending knees and back straight.

 Step2: Place your both the hands on the floor.

Step3: Kick your both the legs back and go to the pushup position,on your hands and toes.The hands should be straight to your shoulders and feet hip width apart.

Step4: Now start with a push up, touch your chest on the floor and come up to push-up position again.

Step5: Next, jump back like a frog to the previous squat position.

Step6: Jump up in the air and land slowly to the squat position with bending knees. Continue the other reps.

Modified Burpee

This variation is particularly for the beginners and people who may have injury or elderly people.

Step1: Stand with feet hip width stance, go to the squat position with bending knees and back straight.

 Step2: Place your both the hands on the floor.

Step3:  Kick your one leg back and other leg too, go to the pushup position, on your hands and toes. The hands should be straight to your shoulders and feet hip width apart.

Step4: Then take your one leg forward and other leg too, go to the previous squat position.

Step5: Now stand up and land slowly to squat position and continue the other reps.

There are many variations to do for example, Burpee with

  • Box jump
  • Muscles up
  • Knee to box jump
  • etc.
Burpee test and its normal range
How many sets and reps?

You can perform 3 to 5 sets of 10 reps or more than these, depending on your level of fitness.

Who should avoid Burpee exercise?

The people who have been suffering from,

  1. Low back pain
  2. Slip disc
  3. Joint pain or discomfort
  4. Spin injuries
  5. Back strain, sprain
  6. Neck strain, sprain must avoid doing burpee.

Beginners and the elderly people if the strength is low must go with modified burpee.

If you still have a desire to explore this exercise or earn the mastery, you must discuss with a health professional or a fitness consultant before including it into your regimen.

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